Category Archives: Currently in the Gluten Free Canteen

GF Flour, The Weighty Chart & Win a Scale

If you still are on the fence about weighing your GF flours, take a look at Allison’s (Eat Love Drink) post about these AP flours.  Just the difference alone between whole wheat and white flours is astounding and as she says, can certainly explain the trouble with equal interchanging when baking.  Thank you Allison – that was a great post.

From there I began to think more about GF flours.  In the Canteen blog I’ve mentioned that I have over 17 flours and starches hanging around the kitchen.  I often combine many of them (as you know from the recipes) depending upon whether the baked item is more savory, bread-like or sweet.  I like that kind of baking freedom. Continue reading

Got Yolks? Make Double Chocolate Pots de Creme

Whenever there are leftover yolks from some egg white adventure (Pavlova Bowls) I think not of cookies or pudding.  I think chocolate pots de creme.

After all, chocolate is a food group, yes?

I had so many leftover yolks, some were sent off to the arctic (freezer) as Sable Cookie dough.  And the remainder went on a  balmy cruise to chocolate-world floating in a small sea of warm water morphing into tiny little pots de creme. Continue reading

Ask Essie: How (not) to Read a Recipe

I need glasses? Really? (then)

Caroline asks if you need to be a professional recipe developer to convert recipes to gluten-free and what’s my favorite way to read a recipe?

Nope.  You do not have to be a professional recipe developer to convert recipes to gluten-free.  But you do have to embrace these qualities:

  • sense of humor
  • the ability to cope with total failure
  • the ability to cope with an obsessive need to get it right
  • coping with lots of dirty utensils and baking sheets
  • not to worry about what anything looks like, but how it tastes
  • ability to have a whole lot of fun with GF flours
  • some ability to skim a recipe (see below)

However, that said.  About reading recipes – I have a confession. Continue reading

Chocolate Orange Pavlova Bowls

If perky (and talented) Ina Garten had a doppelgänger who was taller, blonder and Swedish, that would be my sister-in-law.  Nancy could bake an 8-tiered cake complete with tiny sugar roses in the middle of a blizzard without power and still have it come out looking like perfection.  She would make it look easy. Continue reading