Category Archives: Currently in the Gluten Free Canteen

Cheesy Peanut Butter Banana Cookies, Hold the Bacon

Today’s specials?  Sure (snort), why not.

While you could eat one, these cookies are for the pups.

I recently sent out a query for puppy cookie flavors on Tweet and got back a few replies: bacon, cheese, and peanut butter.  I didn’t have bacon available, so I substituted banana instead.  Doesn’t everyone? Continue reading

Ask Essie: In the GF Canteen – My Favorite Things?

Carla asks: what  products do you like to use to bake gluten-free?

I thought you guys would never ask!

First – this caveat.  This would not be an official endorsement for any of these products other than I think they are swell and I use them all the time – and I can call them my favorites.  No one pays me to use this stuff, nor do they send me free things.  I’ve found them on my own through lots of trial and copious amounts of error. Continue reading

Double Chocolate Peanut Butter Cookies, GFDF!

I love cookies.  And, I especially love to bake cookies that are not complicated, take very little time and highlight one or two complimentary flavors.  It doesn’t hurt if the cookie also contains a little chocolate.  I like it even more if clean-up is simple.

There is nothing like the satisfaction of warm-from-the-oven homemade cookies that didn’t leave you ready to hire house-cleaners just to find the counter top again.  Some creations around here manage to use every bowl, utensil and baking pan I own. Continue reading

Happy Birthday, Lisa Kern

There are Federal holidays, actual holidays, and Valentine’s Day.  And then there is this other date (March 28) that really ought to be declared a holiday.  It’s the birthday of Lisa Kern, humor writer extraordinaire.

She spins delightful and hilariously amusing tales about the funny side of family life – parenting three boys and being married for just about 42 centuries. She makes all those day-to-day experiences seem delightful and touching.

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